This is a great space to write long text about your company and your services. You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.
The Alive Cadets age ministry group is from 8 to 13 years old. The foundation is around the children and their family/whanau capturing, supporting and creating the environment for this vision to continue and flourish. Alongside the fun sport and play activities; we also have Bible based activities, stories, discussions, team points and competitions, learning memory verses, skits, plays, arts and craft, singing, prayer, praise, worship
We as a church believe in the strong representation of women in ministry, creating forums where our ladies can grow and develop into the God shape He has designed for them. Bi-weekly meetings on a Thursday help flourish their ministry along with Ladies Ministry services through each term for their perspective and revelation to be shared. We encourage our youth ladies to take leadership roles in our ALIVE GROUP Tuesday meets.
We support the community through our association with TE HAHI (The Faith) in supplying food parcels and clothing packs to those in traumatic situations along with aroha and care. Our own Jirah Box donation packs handed out desperate families needing a helping hand in our immediate community. and further afield in the Philippians, Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.
If there is an area of volunteering that you would like to participate in click below.
Alive Church is committed to our kids ministry with a full range of activities through all ages. Kingdom Kids is focused on bring the basics to the level they understand and establishing a solid foundation on the word along with the stories that tell us how God has been blessing those in the past with faith, and continues to this day if we trust in Him.
Half a century ago our assembly collated and created a youth ministry based on our relevance in our community and our vision to make a difference to youth and establish a team, venue and social circle to share the good news of Jesus and to help and support young adults into a lifestyle of caring for one another and making a difference to themselves and the community.
A shepherd does not only lead his flock in the right direction, he also makes sure they stay together and that each individual person can keep up. In Ezekiel 34:4, God rebukes the leaders of Israel for neglecting this side of their role as shepherds of the people: strengthening the weak, healing the sick, binding up the injured, bringing back the strays and searching for the lost. These things are part of the shepherd’s responsibility as a caregiver; they are what make a leader a true pastor. We would hope we can assist you if ever need us to be there in support of you.